
Monday, March 30, 2015

Eat Spinach to Stay Sharp

A study found that eating just two helpings of spinach daily takes eleven years off your brain age.
It has long been known as the vegetable that gave Popeye his bulging muscles. But spinach may also be good for the brain.

A study found that pensioners who regularly ate spinach and other leafy greens stayed sharper for longer.

And there was no need to eat bowls and bowls of the stuff.

Men and women who had just one or two helpings a day had the brainpower of people 11 years younger. Read more

Friday, March 27, 2015

10 Natural Remedies to Treat Gingivitis Naturally

Regular brushing and flossing should be enough to keep most people's gums healthy, but if that isn't enough, one of these ten natural remedies may help.
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gum tissue and is one of the most common diseases among the population. This is actually a real epidemic – about 95% of the population suffers from periodontal disease of some degree during their lifetime. The source of the infection is bacteria that inhabit the oral cavity, infect the teeth (plaque), hardened and become tartar.

Gingivitis is characterized by redness and swelling in the gum tissue, bleeding while brushing the teeth, tenderness or pain in the gums, a bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, formation of pus between the teeth and gums and more. Read more

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Pimples are an inflammation of the skin where the sebaceous glands or oil glands become infected with bacteria, swell, and fill with pus. Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the main cause of this problem. Though not a life-threatening condition, pimples can make a person feel miserable because of their appearance. There are many medications on the market to treat pimples, but they cost money abd can take time. Many natural remedies are effective in treating pimples within a very short time. Here are the top ten ways to get rid of pimples fast:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Is Your Bra Making You Sick?

Poorly-fitting bras can lead to everything from back pain to heartburn. Find out how to select the right bra for you..
Millions of women are wearing the wrong size bra, putting their health at risk in the process, experts have warned.

Latest figures show between 70-80 per cent of ladies are sporting the wrong size and many choose not to wear a sports bra while exercising.

Now physiotherapists are urging women to check their measurements before they buy and get a sports bra to help prevent discomfort and premature sagging that only surgery can reverse. Read more

Friday, March 20, 2015

5 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

If you’re having trouble getting to sleep at night, a simple way to de-stress could be performing this short yoga routine.
After a long, stressful day at the office, it can be challenging to relax in the evening. Some people turn to an alcoholic drink or two to unwind, but that can actually make it harder to get restful sleep. A vigorous workout can help ease stress, but if done too close to bedtime you may actually have some trouble falling asleep. Although some styles of yoga (such as vinyasa yoga with sun salutations) can be considered vigorous and should be avoided before bedtime, practicing a few gentle, relaxation-inducing postures, along with deep breathing, can help ready you for a good night’s sleep. Keep a yoga mat rolled up by your bedside, and spend about 20 minutes before bed performing these poses. Read more

8 Bad Foods That Are Now Good for You

Here's yet another example of why you should not blindly believe what experts and the authorities tell you: these eight foods were condemned as bad for you for decades, but it turns out that not only are they not bad for you, they're actually good for you.
One day you hear a particular food is good for you and the next you hear it is bad for you to eat. This leaves you wondering are these particular foods good to eat or not. Well, this article should help clear these questions up for you. Read more

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Stay Young Secret: Facial Yoga

This facial yoga exercise video shows you how to stay looking young and youthful. There are seven key techniques which can help you with anything from a rosy glow to plumper lips.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mushroom Tea for Good Health

Who knew mushrooms could be made into tea, but it turns out that sipping mushroom tea has several health benefits.
There’s a new type of tea showing up at your health food store, and it’s not exactly plucked from leafy fields or served with crumpets: it’s mushroom.

Sipping fungi for health reasons has been done for thousands of years in the East, and recently Western wellness insiders have been brewing the earthy little, grow-in-the-dark spores for things like stress-reduction, immunity, and a long list of health benefits. (None of which are associated with the hallucinogenic variety that we know of, just FYI.) Read more

Friday, March 13, 2015

10 More Common Medical Myths

How many of these common medical myths do you believe?
Medical myths are a popular Listverse subject, and they’re highly relevant to everybody’s welfare. In this list, we will destroy yet another ten medical myths which, incredibly, have managed to stick around. They may even be influencing your perspectives—or jeopardizing your personal safety—right now. So read on: Read more

Monday, March 9, 2015

How to Repair Your DNA Naturally

Margaret Durst reveals how to repair your DNA naturally.
DNA is our cellular blueprint.  It is part of our genetic makeup that controls how our cells reproduce.  Much research has gone into proving that so called genetic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more are actually the result of damage to the cellular DNA that causes a defective reproduction of cells in the body, which over time leads to degenerative disease.

The research has shown that some DNA damage can be REPAIRED so that the gene responsible for expressing the disease is actually turned off.  This is really good news.  I wish I had learned it earlier in life. Read more

Friday, March 6, 2015

Eliminate Shingles Quickly and Naturally

If you get shingles, C. Thomas Comber reveals how to eliminate the symptoms quickly and naturally.
Shingles (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. It can happen decades after the original infection. It is usually less severe the second time. It may occur for people who have had either chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccination. It is often caused by the vaccine, and people who get the vaccine strain years after a vaccination get a much worse version of shingles. It is an opportunistic virus that will strike whenever the immune system is sufficiently impaired. Those who have never contracted chicken pox are at risk of contracting it from people with shingles. When it first occurs, shingles usually appears in circular patterns.

You Should Not Visit Your Doctor

Doctors will prescribe just about anything for shingles, except for something that actually works.  Read more

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Top 10 Supplements for Heart Health

Do you have cardiovascular disease, or are you at risk due to lifestyle or family history? If so, you may want to consider taking the top ten supplements for heart health, recommended by Dr. Victor Marchione.
Give your heart health some attention! The heart is like your engine room, pumping nutrient-and-oxygen-rich blood throughout the body and beating 100,000 times a day. That’s almost 40 million times a year. So if you don’t treat your heart right, with daily activity, good food and exercise – and natural heart health supplements – you could be setting yourself up for trouble. Read more

Monday, March 2, 2015

Arthritis Relief Without Drugs

Margaret Durst reveals natural remedies for arthritis you may not be aware of.
ARTHRITIS affects one in 7 people in America. Glucosamine, chondroitins and MSM are the most common natural remedies used to manage pain and to supply building materials for joint repair. While these are very helpful, particularly with osteoarthritis, I would like to mention some other natural remedies for arthritis. Read more