Friday, June 24, 2011

Is a Chocolate Milkshake the Ideal Post-Workout Recovery Drink?

Cyclists who drank a low-fat chocolate milkshake after exercise rode faster with more power compared to those who had sports drinks, said University of Texas scientists.
After an exhausting session on the treadmill, many athletes reach for an isotonic sports drink or good old-fashioned water.

But two new studies from The University of Texas at Austin show that a chocolate milkshake is the ideal post-workout recovery drink. Read more

1 comment:

Felix said...

Hey Caitlin, thanks for the share. I did some reading on the subject after I read your post. Because at first I didn't believe a chocolate milkshake (being very thick and most of time blended with ice cream) could be good after a workout. Even though I couldn't find a good factual post about it on the web (cough I'm lazy), it seems logical though. there's proteins and sugars etc., everything the muscles need to rejuvenate.

I guess I'm having a chocolate milkshare after every workout to see for myself. Sounds delicious too.