Monday, September 17, 2012

Get Ready for the Cold and Flu Season with These All-Natural Recipes

You can avoid the drugstore with these all-natural cold and flu remedies, says Lisa Bedford.
Before we know it, the season of colds and sniffles and coughs will be upon us. One of my readers shared with me these three recipes, and I wanted to pass them along to you before you’re faced with a sick family and have no choice but to make a mad dash to the drugstore.

These recipes require natural ingredients such as essential oils, coconut oil, and herbs. They’re very simple to make and will provide an all-natural alternative to whatever the drugstore sells, and I’m a big fan of Nyquil! Another reason to make these is just to learn how to make your own salves and oil mixtures – a great skill for any Survival Mom.

By the way, I tried to track down the original source of the first two recipes but couldn’t find them online. If you know of the source, please let me know so I can give proper credit. Read more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks I just love Natural health remedies.