Monday, September 14, 2015

4 Powerful Medicinal Mushrooms

Tess Pennington recommends four powerful medicinal mushrooms to add to your home pharmacy.
As the fall approaches we must now focus on some of the things now available to you as wildcrafters and herbal “gatherers” that previously may have been difficult to find.  This article entails some facts about medicinal mushrooms and is provided for informational purposes only.  The information provided is not meant to, nor does it diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure, or recommend any actions for any disease or illness.  Only a licensed physician may do such things; prior to taking any actions pertaining to this article, seek the approval of your licensed family physician.

Mushrooms are greatly available in the wilds toward the end of summer and the beginning of the fall.  Mushrooms have many components in their makeup that can be used effectively against many types of diseases.  There is one important thing to stress, however, before you go out and begin your attempts to gather mushrooms from your locality:

Mushrooms can be deadly poisonous, and you must be able to identify them 100% with no guesswork prior to utilizing them!

Four Powerful Medicinal Mushrooms Read more

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