Monday, August 6, 2018

8 Medicinal Uses of Mullein

Mullein is a common herb that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Rhonda Johansson reveals eight medicial uses for mullein that could be especially helpful in a survival situation.
Mullein is a backyard weed that was used by native Americans for their medicinal properties. This fascinating plant is known by multiple names such as “Jupiter’s staff,” “Aaron’s rod,” “Jacob’s staff,” and “Flannel leaf.” Though botanists describe mullein as invasive and terribly difficult to eradicate, the weed can be used by preppers during emergency situations. Practically all parts, from root to tip, can be used to alleviate a variety of symptoms and conditions. They can be made into oil, tinctures, teas, or applied as a poultice. Eight medicinal uses of mullein are described below. Read more

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