Monday, September 29, 2014

Eat More Good Fat

Margaret Durst reveals twenty signs that you may not be getting enough essential fats.
Essential Fats are vital to our health. They help regulate body chemistry at every level. All cells in our bodies use fats as part of the membrane that lets the right things in and keeps the wrong things out. Good fats also help keep tissues lubricated and supple. Most people are deficient in good fats because they are not present in the typical American diet, and the types of fats that are present in typical diets actually block the action of good fats. Good fats are also depleted by eating too much refined grain – particularly wheat and corn.
Bad fats are known for increasing inflammation, increasing cholesterol, increasing blood clotting, and disrupting hormone balances. Good fats help decrease inflammation, decrease cholesterol, decrease blood clotting and balance hormones. Here is a list of symptoms of essential fat deficiency: Read more

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