Monday, February 22, 2010

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection

It's estimated that three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. lists some of the many natural remedies and home remedies for yeast infections.
What is a Yeast Infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans which is normally found in small amounts in the vagina.

It's estimated that three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics. Yeast infection is also more common after menopause due to declining estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls.

Natural Remedies and Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Here are some natural remedies and home remedies that are used for yeast infection. Read more

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