Almost 70% of adults in America are considered overweight, and 35% are classified as obese. If rates continue, and many experts believe they will, 75% of the population will be either overweight or obese by the year 2020. Anyone who glances at the statistics knows something is clearly not right. What could be causing this sharp rise in weight-related issues?
One of the main reasons we have such a problem with obesity and digestive complaints in the world today is that people are not eating their meals in a parasympathetic state. [1] It turns out that it’s not just what you eat, but how, when, and where you eat that makes a difference. While hardly anyone is mentioning this root cause to common weight issues, it is a topic that is nevertheless important to discuss in order to tackle one of the world’s leading health problems. Read more
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Never Eat in These 11 Situations
Eating in certain situations is a big reason people gain weight, says Edward Group.
Monday, July 28, 2014
How to Make Your Own Sunscreen
Using sunscreen may not be a bad idea, but some commercial sunscreens contain ingredients that actually increase the risk of skin cancer. You can avoid that risk by making your own, says Alex Du Toit.
Many commercial sunscreens contain toxic ingredients that actually raise the risk of skin cancer. However, natural sunscreen can get very pricey, especially if you have a large family. Here is a sunscreen that you can make at home and is nontoxic and all natural. While you are blocking the harmful rays of the sun, your skin is getting nourished with all of the wonderful natural ingredients. Your skin will look and feel better than before you started using it. It is important to allow vitamin D to be produced by the sun and your skin for overall physical and mental well-being. So when you know that you are going in the sun for a long time, lather this all-natural sunscreen all over your body! Also, you can add essential oils to this recipe that will protect against insects. Remember to lather after spending time in water! This sunscreen has not been tested for SPF, but it is about 24-30. Read more
Friday, July 25, 2014
Eat More Chocolate
Elizabeth Renter gives seven reasons why organic chocolate is a health food.
Many of us hold chocolate in high regard, if for no other reason than the taste—the decadent flavor and texture that makes you feel a rush of endorphins. But chocolate isn’t only good because of its taste. On the contrary, some of the best qualities of chocolate are actually health-related. Read more
Monday, July 21, 2014
Reclaim Your Eyesight Naturally
Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals how to improve your vision without surgery or corrective lenses.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to see clearly without glasses or contacts? According to Greg Marsh, a certified natural vision coach, clear vision is achievable by virtually everyone, even if you’re already wearing strong corrective lenses. Read more
Friday, July 18, 2014
Huge Study Proves Organic Food Healthier, More Nutritious
A huge new study proves that organic foods are healthier and more nutritious.
The most comprehensive analysis ever performed comparing organic foods with those "conventionally" grown with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers has concluded that organic fruits and vegetables are not just less toxic but actually more nutritious than conventional produce. Read more
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
6 Yoga Poses for a Bigger Butt
People take up yoga for a variety of reasons. Everyone knows that yoga can increase our flexibility and strength, but not many know that there are yoga poses that can make your butt bigger. Although many yoga poses strengthen your entire body, you can create a routine that will mainly strengthen the three gluteal muscles - the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.Try these six simple yoga poses to get that perfect, toned, sculpted butt that you've always desired:
Monday, July 14, 2014
Is Vitamin C Worth Taking?
Is vitamin C worth taking? Don't ask your doctor, says Bill Sardi.
According to one self-proclaimed authority, vitamin C therapy is nothing but health quackery. [] WebMD advises physicians that supplemental vitamin C is only marginally able to reduce symptoms and duration of the common cold. But the primary study referred to employed just 200 milligrams of vitamin C, barely enough to marginally raise blood levels of this essential vitamin. [WebMD June 20, 2012]
None of this negative science discouraged laboratory researchers in China however. They inoculated mice with influenza virus and then injected 3 milligrams of vitamin C per gram of body weight. (Laboratory rats weigh about 300-500 grams.) [University of Wisconsin] So these animals were injected with 900-1500 mg vitamin C. Read more
Friday, July 11, 2014
The Top 5 Herbs for Heart Health
Regular exercise and a nutritious diet are the main keys to a healthy heart, but these five herbs can also help.
Toning the body is typically done by performing physical workouts. However, various herbs will work to strengthen, nourish, and support the body from the inside. There are 5 herbs for the healthy heart that every person should know. Read more
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Top 4 Homemade Acne Face Masks

There are some simple ways that you can deal with acne by using ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen. Using a homemade acne face mask a few times each week can help improve the condition of your skin. Homemade face masks for acne often work just as well as, if not better than, the store-bought variety. To make an acne face mask all you need is a recipe and a few common ingredients..
Monday, July 7, 2014
6 Dangers of Laundry Detergent
Although we use it for cleaning, laundry detergent is full of hazardous chemicals, says Edward Group.
Doing the laundry is a simple, straightforward task for most people. However, have you actually thought about the chemicals contained in most laundry detergents? Most of this stuff doesn’t wash out in the rinse and can be absorbed into your body through your skin. Knowing what we are putting on our clothes, and in our body, can be incredibly important for protecting our health. Detergents, for example, contain chemicals that can contribute to skin irritation. Not only that, many commercial detergents may mimic hormones and disrupt endocrine function, a problem that influences reproduction, mood, and metabolism. Read more
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
10 Homemade Acne Spot Treatments
Acne is a common skin condition, which occurs when sebum, or the body's natural oil, combines with bacteria within a clogged pore. Pimples erupt in response to white blood cells attacking the site of infection, creating pus indicative of whiteheads. Many commercial acne treatments contain harsh ingredients that damage skin cells, leaving the skin raw, and contributing to scarring and persistent flare-ups. Natural spot treatments may help to reduce inflammation associated with acne and eliminate embarrassing blemishes without chemicals. Here are ten homemade acne spot treatments:
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