1) Switch to high-quality herbs.
Inexpensive herbs such as fenugreek, red clover, and saw palmetto are a fast and easy way to trigger natural breast enlargement. You can find these herbs in any health food store for just a few dollars, but that does NOT mean you should grab the cheapest bottle off the shelf. Using low-quality herbs for breast enlargement is like eating McDonald's meals for nutrition! High quality herbs can dramatically speed up your results.
2) Massage your breasts twice daily.
Herbs are only half the battle. You also need to MASSAGE your breasts if you want to see results. Here's what you need to do: Follow the massage routine in my post Increase a Cup Size in 30 Days with Breast Massage. Also, get some liquid herbal extracts (either fenugreek or wild yam) and mix a few drops into some body lotion. Massage the mixture into your breasts twice daily either during your massage or separately. This speeds up breast growth in two ways: massage increases circulation to the breasts; plus, your breasts are able to absorb the liquid herbal extracts, giving them MORE of the nutrients they need.
3) Use a heating pad.
After you've done your massages, another great *growth-speeding secret* is to apply a heating pad to your breasts. The warmth boosts circulation to your breasts and helps your body absorb more of the herbs. You can find an electric heating pad in most drug stores for under $20. Set the heating pad to low or medium heat and apply to your breasts for 15-20 minutes per day.
Take ACTION on these three easy secrets, and you'll speed up your results by as much as 50%. That still may not be the kind of instant results you get with breast enlargement surgery, but you also don't get the expense or potential side effects either. I think it's a good trade-off.
If you have ever felt self-conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. My book Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts reveals how you can increase your breast size completely naturally and without expensive, painful surgery. To find out more, click here!
I want to follow this method, but I have Fenugreek and Wild Yam capsules. Do I just break open the capsules and mix them into the oil or lotion?
are these drinks and food i should avoid? such as coffee or anything containing caffeine.
how do i know if my breast are growing?
It seems like the questions people ask u,u can't seem to answer. majority are left answered.
It seems like some people don't read the many articles I've written where their questions would be answered. That's why I wrote them.
Also, remember that this isn't my job. I work on my blogs when I get a chance. I've GIVEN AWAY many secrets of natural breast enlargement in my articles and answered literally hundreds of comments and emails from readers. If I'm not quick enough for you, that's too bad.
You can break open capsules if you want.
Avoiding caffeine can't hurt, and it may help.
You know your breast are growing when they get bigger.
can i take fennel tea to replace the first step while using wild yam liquid herbal extracts? would that help since the first step is taking in a herb supplement.
Does this sound like a full proof plan..
Doing the massage twice a day, along with adding the fenugreek extract + body lotion (into the massage).
As well as taking 3 fenugreek capsules per day?
Would that count as overdosing on fenugreek, or is it not enough in order to see results?
Sounds fine. Dosage is individual.
i am planning to stop taking birth control pills for a reason because i want my body to go back to normal. since birth control pill had no side effects on me such as breast enlargement. would it help if i stop the birth control pills and do the breast enlargement technique you have posted on your blog?
I think you're asking that since birth control pills didn't make your breasts grow, would natural breast enlargement? Yes, natural breast enlargement works. Be sure to use both massage and herbs.
Do you have a to take a herbal supplement/tea? Or I can just use the extract + lotion to massage twice a day.
Yes, you can, though up to a point more is better.
Where can these items be purchased...I read on the fenugreek so I guess the 3rd time hearing about it I should try it.Thanks for the info your posting.
I am so discourage by my body. I hate how I am so flat chested. After using the wild yam liquid extract and drinking fennel tea i feel there are no difference in my body. i wish my body would just accept it and let my breast grow bigger so i can feel comforable in my own skin. sometimes i wish i was someone else.
I would recommend fenugreek and breast massage to start with, not wild yam and fennel tea. Also, it sounds like my post "Think and Grow Breasts" could help you.
I read you can put a couple of drops of liquid extract in to water and drink from there. Is that good for you and would it do any good for my body?
if i buy fenugreek liquid extract should i buy with alcohol or alcohol free?
o yeah i forgot to ask you earlier, if i buy capsules, whats the most mg in a pill i should be taking?
You can add fenugreek liquid extract to any liquid and drink it. Alcohol is a preservative and doesn't affect the potency of the herb. You can't specify dosage because herbal potency varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Begin by taking what the bottle suggests and then gradually add, watching for any adverse reaction.
Hi! I have tried taking fenugreek for 3 weeks, 3 x a day, but I had a side effect. I got trush so deliberately I have to stop taking it. Please, what other alternative can I do. I am desperate to grow my 34A (I mean barely an A cup).
Thank you.
does this method/capsules works for Asian women as well? thank you.
Why wouldn't it work for Asian women if it works for other women?
I have written several articles on other breast enlargement herbs, such as wild yam and saw palmetto.
I read your article on the massaging technique - this is probably a dumb question but does it make any difference if you cross your wrists in front of you so your left hand is massaging your right breast and vice versa? This is more comfortable for me, just making sure.
Also, if you only massage at night (college dorm room, no privacy in the morning) will you just see less/slower results or no results at all? Thanks for all the time and info!!
No, it doesn't make any difference.
I drank fenugreek for a while and had no effect, except that my urine and my sweat smelled like fenugreek.
I massage my breasts morning and night with lavender oil and drink anise tea and seems to be working, but slowly. I will take a look at your other articles.
Thank you so much, I'm going to try this.
You probably wrote this somewhere and I just didn't see it but... Does it make any difference if you are or are not wearing clothes when you rub your breasts? Also, I'm on birth control to regulate my hormones because I have some issues with my period being irregular. Will being on bc pills effect the results?
You could do the massage with a bra on, but I think it's more comfortable doing it on bare skin. I couldn't say how birth control pills might affect results. I suspect it probably varies according to the type of birth control pill and to the individual.
I have done the massage for a month and a week and I do not notice anything different...is it because I'm not using herbs? I'm only doing the massage and nothing else. (I have not reached the onset of puberty) Should my results take longer because of this? Thank you! I have read every single one of your articles. You are extremely helpful!
If you haven't begun to go through puberty yet, it will definitely make a difference. The breast massage can work by itself, and is healthful in any case, but I do recommend taking herbs also.
Very interesting tips :)...
I was just wondering if I was to drink fenugreek tea and do breast massage every night will my bust grow even though I'm on the birth control pill(mini pill). Thnx xx
Yes, if you do the breast massage according to my instructions.
I started breast massage and I noticed difference in my period. So, as I have a fibroid, I would like to know if this massages can help to reduce my fibriod, as usualy I read that fibroid retain/survives of blood capture..
Thaks, Ana
I don't know the answer to your question.
Where can the Mountain Rose Herbs and Pacific Botanicals be purchased?
At their websites.
Will this work at any age, like during puberty?
Yes, though if you're still going through puberty, I would wait to see what developed naturally.
I was just wondering if physical activity will slow down the growth process. I'm 15, 32A, I play tennis and I've been doing even more exercise lately. I massage my breasts twice a day, like you said. But I'm just wondering if exercise will slow the process down.
I would almost think the opposite since your metabolism runs faster.
I've messages my breast for over 40 minutes at night for a week. Is there any way to speed up the process and I can't get access with herbs?
If you don't use herbs, no, you can't speed up the process.
I'm not joking when I ask this;
Does this work on guys?
Really, I am a male who wishes to have breasts, and I don't wish to put on weight as it's detrimental to my health.
Thanks in advence for your reply. ^_^
hi, im only 15 and i know im technically still growing but im pretty sure im done. i barely fill out an a, and i want a full b. does my age matter? Also im not using herbs, will that just slow down my results. i am massaging morning and night 300 rubs each time and using a heating pad at night. is that enough to see results in 30 days. i've only been at it for about a week but im determined to keep going until i see results. thanks for posting this, hopefully i get the results im looking for.
Hi I'm only 15 and I know I'm still growing but I haven't since about 8th grade and I've been getting discouraged lately that I'll be flat forever until I found this. Thank you! I'm not using any herbs will that just slow down my results because I am massaging morning and night 300 rubs each time and using a heating pad at night. I just wanna make sure I'm doing everything right cause I wanna be a full b cup by the time school starts in august! Also are there certain foods I should avoid and foods I should eat more of. Ive been doing this for about a week and I plan on going till I see results, I just wanna know if this works for pretty much everyone? Thanks again for posting this!
If you did the breast massage for a long enough amount of time, could you eventually come up with C's if you started with A's?
Thanks! Did you have those results? Also whats long enough time 2 months?
Hi I am a 12 yr. Old girl and I'm in middle school every girl in all of my classes have bigger breasts than me, I only have 1 nipple and nothing else seems to be growing and I don't have enough money to buy all of the herbs so I'm asking you what I should do
Follow the directions in my article on breast massage.
I increased a cup size using the methods I've written about. I think you should see results in two months.
Women have reported growing two cup sizes, but I those are better than average results.
Herbs help, but they're not absolutely essential. There isn't any way to predict how fast results will come, but being young helps. As far as diet goes, eat a good high-protein diet.
Hi, i've made a plan for myself, i drink fenugreek tea and eat the fenugreek remained in the cup every morning before having breakfast (i thought my body would absorb it well before eating anything ? is this right ? 'cause i actually don't know when it's good to take it ), and yesterday i boiled about one table spoon and half by the evening i started bleeding a little! i thought i have taken more than usual, what do you suggest ? 'cause i read an article that said 3 grams should be taken each day ? how many table spoon is 3 grams of fenugreek ?
Thank you :)
Three grams is about 1/4 tablespoon. I haven't heard of fenugreek causing bleeding, but if you're that's the only possible cause, you shouldn't take it.
Hello Caitlin
First off,thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a helpful service, at no cost to the public. It seems to me that you are a busy woman, and yet you take the time to answer "repeat" questions; I, for one appreciate it immenesly.
My question to you is this: Is there an age one reaches where your mentioned techniques would NOT work?
I am a 40 yr old woman who weight trains(moderately) & consequently has naturally lowering levels of estrogen(due to age) & somewhat elevated testosterone (due to weight training). During pregnancy(x3)and nursing each child until toddlerhood, I was a 38 D,and 180lbs. After weaning last child, I lost weight & had a reduction done, and was a 34B, 120lbs. Now Im down to a 34A. I guess what Im asking is: am I too old to see results if \I follow your recommendations? (No signs of menopause yet...)
Im taking in a high protien shake twice a day to help me gain some weight, and have reduced my weight training to help lower testosterone & have begun taking soy & fenugreek to help boost estrogen naturally.
In your opinion,is it possible to see results at my age?
(*Gorgeous* boyfriend is 10 yrs. my junior,& Im not ready for him to move on yet...lol ;) )
Thank you for your time, Caitlin.
If the fenugreek "syrup" is fenugreek extract and not a sugary concoction, you could use it for your lotion and tea both.
I don't think that there is an age where natural breast enlargement absolutely will not work at all. You also might want to look into the techniques in my article "How to Have Firm, Perky Breasts." Size isn't everything.
I hope this works! I have been on birth control for over 5 years, but that has only made my breasts feel fuller, no increase in cup size. However, I have uneven breasts (right is fuller/bigger). I've taken fenugreek before and no results. What are your thoughts on Wild Yam capsules? And do you suggest any creams for the breast massage that may help the final results?
SIDENOTE: To those who are under 18 who have/haven't reached puberty, Relax and go twitter something positive! haha I know girls today are going through puberty at earlier ages, but late-bloomers do exist! I did not reach my current bra B-cup size until I started college. :)
Wild yam and saw palmetto are both traditional breast enlargement herbs. I don't recommend any creams, but I don't think they would hurt if you want to try them.
Hey! =)
How should I take the herbs? Drink tea or...? I don't understand...:(
Making teas is fine.
Will this work on you if your doctor told you that you have more testaterone than estrogen? I am a female by the way.
Yes, because natural breast enlargement techniques increase estrogen.
i'm doing this exercise from few days. but being a college student staying in hostel, all i can use is a body lotion or oil massage twice a day. will that help?
That should work fine.
I've been doing the massages for over a month now and I barely see any results. When will I start to notice an increase in size?
Most women see some results in 2-4 weeks. Be sure that you're following directions and then give it another month before you give up.
can the breast massage and consuming the bustea be done during periods? can v continue the procedure for the whole month or is there a period that v should discontinue the process? and also is it completely healthy to drink bustea?
Do it the whole month. Yes, Bustea is healthful.
what kind of cream would be good to breast massage?
Any lotion that allows your hands to slide smoothly over the skin.
Do you recommend Salvia officinalis oil (sage oil) for massaging the breasts ?
Sage oil would be fine.
Could I use a few drops of fenugreek essential oil in a base oil for the massage?
How old were you when you increased your bust size using the massage, herbs and heat pads?
Do you still massage or use fenugreek now? If so, how often?
I was 25 when I started a natural breast enlargement program. I still massage daily, though I don't use any natural breast enlargement herbs.
You can add fenugreek oil if you want.
Hi im 12 yrs old and am very sensitve about my breast. Can you tell me how to deal with the fact my breasts a to far apart even when i have my bra on?? (BTW im a 34a and 5'3 1/2)Oh and can you tell me if a hot water bottle would be as good as using a heat pads??? THNX,EMMA!!! =)
Is there anything you can eat besides herbs to make your breasts bigger? And is there anything easier than breasts massage that you can do at home? Do you have to warm your hands while massaging your breasts?
My article on amino acids talks about protein and natural breast enlargement.
A hot water bottle would be about as effective as a heating pad. The space between your breasts is simply part of your physical structure.
I was wondering if it is safe to combine fenugreek pills, red clover pills and saw palmetto pills ....and possibly wild yam pills.
yeah i'm 12 to an i were a 32a n if i take the pill 3 times a day can i massage with wild yam cream? an will it really work because my age ?
I would recommend using just a couple of herbs at a time. Then later you can switch up and use the other two. Your body can only react so fast. After a point, more isn't better.
I think waiting a year or two before trying natural breast enlargement would be best. Sometimes, adolescents suddenly "sprout." Why spend the time and effort on something that may still happen naturally?
Hi I was wondering if massaging your breasts with baby oil would it help increase the size faster, I am not using herbs at all.
Thankyou (:
Are the results permanent when useing fenugreek? If not about how long do the results last in affect?
Baby oil doesn't increase breast growth, but makes the massage more comfortable.
The results are usually permanent if you do the initial treatment long enough.
Is it true massaging your breasts with vegetable oil can cause growth?
Is it ok if I use cilantro or parsley and if I'm able 2 do I eat it or rub it on my breast because someone told me 2 rub it all over my breast
Fenugreek, saw palmetto, and wild yam are far more effective. Rubbing fresh or dry herbs on your breasts won't do anything. You need to use a tea or extract.
I am 30 years old and married... I have smaller breasts and I my boy friend keeps telling me about it... He loves me but he also says why dot you do something about it.. I read a lot of books and articles did exercise but did not work... Finally I was frustrated.. I read ur articles today and I feel very positive and I wanna try it... but before I do so wanted to know if this will help . this routine...
1. Drink the Bustea - will prepare and drink early morning and night
2. One extract of bustea and 2 extracts of cream I will massage the right way as u explained
3. Will also think as per ur article... i.e. relax for 15 - 20 mins
Will try these for a month without a gap.... Is the method correct and wont this harm me as I am a thyroid patient.. can you please help me.. I would really appreciate as I want to have larger busts and want to keep healthy as well..
Caitlin, Thank You so much! I love you haha.
Your plan sounds fine, but just as with any treatment, you need to monitor yourself for any side effects.
I had an idea for massage lotion and I was wondering if you think it would work. I'm currently taking Breast Actives pills and use the cream in the morning. For the night massage, I decided to crush a couple of the Breast Actives pills and mix it in with cocoa butter. Do you think this mixture will work OK?
It should work fine.
I was just wondering how does the saw palmetto work? I went to buy the fenugreek today and started to take that pill; but when I looked at the SP bottle it said it's for men only for prostate? So I didn't buy it, I'm confused how that can help breast growth.. My Fenugreek is 610mg and it says you can take 3-6 daily. What would be best? And what should I take with them? Thank you so much!
I was wondering how saw palmetto worked to increase breast size? I saw on the bottle it's for men (only) to avoid prostate cancer. I started taking Fenugreek pills today at 610mg I've taken 3 but it says you can take up to 6 a day. What would be best? And I just take the capsules regular right, no need to brake them open or anything? Thank you so much!
Saw palmetto is now a popular and effective treatment for prostate enlargement in men but its origins in natural medicine was as a breast enlarger. It is reported that early American Indian females used saw palmetto to enlarge their breast size. Increases in breast size of 1-2 cups have been reported using saw palmetto by itself.
So would it e better to take the SP instead of fenugreek?
No, fenugreek is the best breast enlargement herb, but if you have side effects from fenugreek, saw palmetto is a good second choice.
Thank you!!
I have been doing this method faithfully for almost a year and have seen no results, I have switched the herbs once from fenugreek to SP and wild yam. I am curious if jenny boltons book would work for me, and if you have any advice on that.
My fourteen articles just cover different breast enlargement topics as I thought of them and had time to write them. Nevertheless, many readers (including a man!) tell me that they have gotten results from just using my articles, but everyone is different. Boost Your Bust goes into some things I haven't written about, but it's main advantage is that it presents a program.
Can you rub fenugreek extract that contains the alcohol to massage your breast? Will the alcohol harm my breast if it is soaked into my skin?
Not sure if the first post went through.
If you rub fenugreek extract with alcohol in it when you massage your breast, will it harm your breast? Is is okay since the alcohol will soak into your skin especially your breast area?
How big will it grow in a week?! D:
You can use fenugreek extract if you want. Alcohol is a bit drying, but otherwise harmless.
Hi im 12 turning 13 Very soon and i have been starting to massage my boobs bout a week ago with coconut oil.i feel some pain in the day but they are very short like a minute or a couple of seconds. r they growing?my breast size is well idkk hahah 32a is to small and 34a is to big.another problem is my breasts r very far apart. should i gain weight because i can see my ribs under my neck but i eat A LOT! can u find those herbs at vitam cottage? thanks!
You can find the herbs online, but I don't know about particular local stores. You'll just have to check. Breast massage is healthful at any age, but I would really hold off on the herbs until you see how you develop. I know two or three years may seem like forever, but why undertake a complete breast enlargement program if your body will do it for you?
im 13 turning 14 and i have really small boobs i have been massaging my boobs for a week what else shoul i do??
should i not massage to since im just 12
should i massage my nipple or were should i massage
Just stick with the breast massage for now.
You can massage your breasts, but I wouldn't recommend a complete breast enlargement program because you may not need it.
Massage the breasts, not the nipples.
y cant u massage the nipple?
It's a waste of time. You're trying to make your breasts grown, not your nipples.
i am planning to use wild yam cream to massage my breast will it work. please let me know because i really need your advice. i am 21 and 34aa. please help!!!!!!!!1
Yes, wild yam is effective for breast enlargement.
if i massage and they grow and then my "real" boobs grow in would that be a problem?
They're your "real" breasts either way, so no problem.
how do ik if they r growing?and plaza don't say they look bigger cuz i cant tell
Isn't looking bigger the whole point? You could try measuring, I suppose, but visible results are what count.
I am 30A and almost 39 years old and weigh close to 46kgs. what is the best way to increase breast size. will massaing with olive oli work.
Click the "Articles" tab to see a list of my fifteen articles on natural breast enlargement. Olive oil works as a massage oil.
I noticed in you other article that it would reduce you period and PMS, but what would happen if you haven't started your period and you are at the average starting age of 13 and up, will the massaging have a bad effect on 13-14 year old breasts that haven't stopped growing and/ or will it "delay" you on starting you period
Breast massage is healthful, regardless. I don't know whether it would delay development, but I doubt it. I wouldn't recommend that girls younger than 16 or 17 use herbs, though, not so much because it would hurt them, but because it may not be necessary. Girls can surely wait a couple of years to see how they develop naturally.
How long do i have to keep the hot water bottle on beacse i sleep with it on and its cold in the morning so i never now how long i had so how long do i need??
Thx Tina!
Hot water bottle? I recommend a heating pad.
I know but im using things at home!! and any way i saw that it is 15 to 20 mins a day!! (i use it for 4 hours whoops!!!)
efulahey! how long do you think it would take if i just use fenugreek??? and do i crack the capsules open or crush them? (i cant buy liquid extract from where i live i can only order them online and i dont want my parents to find out!)
if u miss a day of massging could it not grow?and how long does it take to actually grow
Yes, open the capsules.
You have to follow any regimen regularly for it to work.
The Fenugeek In My Lotion Kinda Smells Like Celery, Lol
Is fenugreek safe for 12/13 yr olds??? and if its not how do i recognise that i might b ill or it is effecting me??? all i kno is that i would smell like maple syrup!!!
I think that girls should wait until they're 15-17 before using natural breast enlargement herbs. Just do the breast massage until then.
fine but im not wasting it (it was £8!!!)so im going to give it 2 my cuzin but i have to tell her how long it wil take and she is 16 btw!! shes doing this coz she has a play in like a month and the costume she has 2 where needs breasts for it (she is a 32B and wants a D)
Two cup sizes in a month would be extremely rapid growth.
Can I use Fenugreek seeds for breast increase.
can i sometimes just massage once a day and twice another?and how do u no it s growing like does it hurt or ich?
If you don't want to follow my recommendations, then don't, but don't expect to get as good a result as when you do. You can tell that your breasts are growing when they look bigger or you measure them as being bigger.
Hi, I've read a few of your articles and I'd like to thank you for posting. I'm so self conscious about my breasts, it's almost painful. I started your methods maybe about a week and a half ago and do everything religiously. Fenugreek three times a day, and I even broke the capsules open and mixed the powdered herb into the warmed lotion I'm massaging with. I'm also alternating hot and cold water on my breasts in the shower.
However, I do have a concern- I work out daily. Will this greatly affect my results?
I'm not sure if my post went through, so I'll just resend my questions.
I work out daily. Will this greatly affect my results?
also, my breasts are a little widely spaced. I'm not sure if this is just because they are small, or not. They also have a "shallow" shape - rounder on bottom and kinda sloping on top. If my breast size increases, will they get a closer and fuller?
The breasts are primarily fatty tissue, so if you worked out hard enough to reach an extremely low body fat level, it probably would affect breast growth. However, working out for health and fitness probably won't.
Hi there! Thanks for all the info on your blog, it's very helpful. On your post about using fenugreek to help breast growth, you mentioned that using an extract is even more effective than taking pills, because that way the herbs are absorbed directly into the skin instead of having to go through the liver. So would it still work to just do the breast massage using a fenugreek extract oil (kind of like killing 2 birds with one stone)? Or is it necessary to take the fenugreek capsules as well, along with the massaging?
Thanks again for all the work you've put into the site! :)
You could just use the fenugreek extract, or you could also take another natural breast enlargement herb, such as saw palmetto.
You mentioned using a massage oil consisting geranium oil, Ylang Ylang oil, and almond oil for breast massage to boost breast enlargementin one of your articles.I am using fenugreek extract alone when I massage. Is the massage oil more effective than the fenugreek extract alone for results?
No, it's just a good massage oil.
Will taking fenugreek capsules work just as good as drink the tea?
And would taking fenugreek and red clover at the same time be safe?
Thank you so much for posting this! I've definitely noticed some growth in the last week I've been doing this. But lately I've been falling asleep with the heating pad on. It has a 1 hour auto shut off feature, but it's still a lot longer than 20 minutes. Would having it on that long hinder my results?
I think the tea is a little better absorbed personally, but many women get excellent results with fenugreek capsules. Red clover is generally safe for most people.
The extra heat is probably not going to hurt anything, but you can't stay awake for twenty minutes?
Hey Caitlin!
Wow! What a great blog! Keep up the amazing work.
I have 2 questions:
1) This is akin to the above commenter asking about if she can just use the fenugreek oil to massage and "kill 2 birds with one stone" - I'd rather not take any pills, so would it still be effective if I did the massage with fenugreek oil AND drank the Bustea tea everyday?
2) Where can you get fenugreek oil from? For the last while, I've gone through almost every health store in my city and nobody has any! I tried looking online, but I'm not sure what companies are trustworthy or good to order from... do you have any suggestions?
Thanks so much! You're really a life-saver for sharing all your secrets :) Take care!
when you use fenugreek oil to massage, do you have to mix it in with lotion or can you use it straight on breasts for massage?
Thank you you're so helpful, God Bless :)
Hi......well i will like to know were can i get this herbs...can i get them say walgreen?
Thank you
Where can i buy this herbs?
No, you can't buy fenugreek at Walgreen's. Herbs First is a good online supplier.
You can use fenugreek oil for massage and drink Bustea. Herbs First is a good online supplier. I don't know if they carry fenugreek oil.
Continuing questions in the 'fenugreek' vein... is it possible to make your own fenugreek oil? Would taking the powder in fenugreek capsules and mixing it with a particular oil do the trick? What oil would be a good mixer?
Thank you :)
hi there! can using a heating pad and just massaging work or do i HAVE to use fenugreek. i hav been using fenugreek but when i mix it in with lotion it gets all lumpy so when i use it, it just sits on my boobs. am i using it wrong???
thxxxx :P
Massage can work by itself, by herbs help. Fenugreek powder in lotion should work.
Yes, you can use powder to make herbal oils. You need to let it set for several days to allow the oil to absorb the herb. Almond oil is a light oil that you could use.
hey um how long does it take for me to start noticing ANY results. Its december now will i be a DD by april? (thats my birthday!)Im a B now what size do u think i will achieve in 2 months? Oh and can i use the heating pad after massaging or do i hav to use it before? thx 4 reading!
B to DD in three months? No, I doubt it.
well can u answermy other questions then?
I'm 17, turning 18 and I have very small breasts. I could barely fit and a cup. Does breast massage alone work for me, without herbs? Please help me. :)
Yes, massage alone can increase breast size.
Do i hav 2 use a heating pad before my massage or can i use it after (i keep falling asleep cuz when my head hits the pillow im out for HOURS!) thx!
....For the Breast Massage
Can I massage 1 breast at a time in the way you showed? also my breasts kinda hurt after I do it...
Is this massage also called the
Chi Breast Massage?
(idk I heard about it before...)
Also is it true that milk helps your breasts grow...O_O I have to many Alsos.....
The breast massage is part of the Female Deer Exercise. "Chi Breast Massage" is a made-up name. You can do each breast separately if you have the time. Amino acids, which are proteins, help the breasts grow. Milk has protein, but so do many other foods.
The article specifically says to use the heating pad AFTER the massage.
Hi Caitlin,
Sorry if you've answered to this before, but is it ok to do these BE practices while you have your period? I heard that fenugreek is a "warm" food, meaning it brings heat to the inside of your body, so would that effect your period?
Oh I didn't know that. Here's something weird your last name is the name of my friend lol. Oh yeah back to the point, what if you don't have a heating pad. Won't drinking water help as well?
Drinking water won't hurt, but it won't help much either.
Most women continue their breast enlargement program through their period without any problem.
Hello Caitlin, sorry if this is dumb question, but I am making my own fenugreek "Bustea" tea and I was wondering:
is it ok to use powdered fenugreek (seeds crushed into a powder) for the tea? Would that have the same effect as using the seeds? I tried it with the seeds the first time, but it just seemed like such a waste to throw them out after they used up their potency... I figured the powder would have the same results and there wouldn't be as much waste. But I don't know if my logic is correct lol.
Thanks so much! I'm a newbie only on Day 3 of your great regime and I am staying positive that it will have good results!
The powder is made from the seeds normally, so it's the same.
Hi Caitlin!
To grow your breast with the massage - instead of rubbing your hands to warm them so your breast will be warm, can you just take a hot shower then do the massage? And is there a diet you can eat to make breast grow bigger instead of herbs?
hi caitlin! thank you for your posts!!! u hav SAVED my social life. im prepared to do this until i get the size i want but i hav a few doubts. i only hav 1 question (for now any way:P ) yh so um how long will it take to notice ANYTHING?! i am using fenugreek and the heating pad so when do you think i will notice something? thanks! (sorry this is sooooooooooooo long)
It doesn't matter how you heat your hands. There isn't really a breast enlargement diet, except for one that causes you to gain weight. However, you should make sure that you eat plenty of protein.
You should notice some change with 2-4 weeks.
I do about 30mins of elliptical workout everyday, would that have an effect on my natural breast enlargement routine? I don't want to lose the little bit of fat that I'll get on my boobs! Were you doing any exercises when you were doing this enlargement method and did they effect the results?
Does any of this decrease the effectiveness of my birth control? Cuz I don't wanna get pregnant!
Ask your doctor. That's a medical question that I can't answer.
I did exercise, but I didn't do the same workout every day. I did a short weight training routine 2-3 times a week and a 20-minute interval workout 2-3 times a week.
Hey thanks so much for replying! Ok, so you did different exercises throughout the week and they didn't interfere with your breast enlargement method... hmmm. So do you think doing the elliptical will have an effect? It's mostly just cardio, right, so I wouldn't think that it would have too much of an effect, but I don't know much about this stuff lol. What's your opinion? Do you think elliptical will interfere with the routine?
Thanks again!
Doing the same exercise every day tends to lead to overuse injuries. Plus, you need strength training, not just aerobics. You routine isn't too excessive, so it probably won't affect breast growth.
hey! umm.. I'm 17. I'm quite healthy otherwise, but seems my breasts so aren't. I started doing this breast massage months ago and kinda pursued it for about month or longer but yeah same old result "NOTHING!!"
anyway, I just wanted to ask I used a mixture of coconut oil and castor oil, is it cool?
or the "no result" case was 'cause of wrong mixture?
I don't think the mixture was the problem. I think the problem was that you "kinda pursued it," which tells me that you probably didn't follow the instructions for how much, how often, or even how to perform the massage.
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