Massage does two things to stimulate growth. One benefit of massage is increased circulation. Since phytoestrogens travel through the bloodstream, the more blood you have flowing to your breasts, the easier it is for your breast receptors to pick up what they need in order to grow. Another benefit of massage is prolactin production. This important breast-enlarging hormone is triggered by regular stimulation of the breasts and nipples.
To perform the massage, start by rubbing your hands together as fast as you can to generate heat and energy. Once your hands are warm, place them on your breasts. Rub inwards with your hands and continue around your breasts in a circle. Your right hand will circle in a clockwise direction, and your left hand will circle counter-clockwise (as you look down).

Do a minimum of 100-300 circular rubs in the morning and another 100-300 circular rubs before you go to bed. Each circular rub should last about 2 seconds. Pause occasionally and rub your hands together to re-warm them. The full 300 rubs should take about 10-15 minutes. By doing this twice a day, you should be able to increase a cup size within 30 days.
If you want to use a massage oil, the following mixture has been reported to produce great results in increasing the size of the breasts. Mix 9 drops of geranium oil with 16 drops of Ylang Ylang oil in a base of 50 ml of almond oil. Rub this into your breasts twice a day either during your massage or separately.
A good side effect to doing this is that your menstrual flow will be reduced dramatically since the breast massage stimulation will create a state within your body where the blood you normally lose through your period will rush up to enlarge your breasts. Another good side effect is that the surge in hormones will lessen your PMS. You will also experience increased nipple sensitivity, but avoid touching your nipples when doing your breast massage.
This method of breast massage is a part of an ancient Taoist exercise, the female deer exercise. That means it has been used and tested for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. All you need is some time, your hands, and dedication to have larger breasts in just 30 days.
If you have ever felt self-conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. My book Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts reveals how you can increase your breast size completely naturally and without expensive, painful surgery. To find out more, click here!
I am going to try this and see if it works and if it does Im telling everyone about this site!
I'm going to try this.
Thank-you for posting this thing on how to enlarg ur breasts up. <3
Thanks for posting this information. Let me try this and will come back soon on the results. Thanks again.
How do you rub your breast inward
"Your right hand will circle in a clockwise direction, and your left hand will circle counter-clockwise (as you look down)."
will this technique work for girls that are ages of 14-17?
Dear!, I appreciate this blog first!
In Our Kerala Ayurveda Massage by using some Spl.Ayurveda oils we do this treatment not only for breast enlargement but also for shaping the breast by reducing its hanging nature. I found result within one our last week on a breastless young girl who lost many proposals due to her lack of breast. now she is satisfied. anybody visiting Kerala in India may feel free to contact me and see directly! ( I am an ayurveda therapist). thanks
tell about the rub (i.e left and right at simultaneously)
After the 30 days, if you stop massaging, will your breast size return to how it was?
Usually not, but, if they do, you can always start the massage routine again.
Can you massage with the bustea and lotion?
Ive been doing this for almost week now and im not seeing results....will this work for everyone?
Nothing works for everyone, whether medical or natural. However, a week is not a long enough trial. Allow at least 30 days before giving up.
Also, the more techniques used, as long as they go together and don't conflict with each other, the better the results usually. Of course, you have to be reasonable about time, effort, and expense.
Ive been using bustea and lotion and been massaging for over a week now and i dont think its going to work. Ive been using other massage techniques as well and im not getting any results, they almost look smaller....do you know any other massaging techniques that have a better chance of working?
You've been using Bustea and lotion for a week, and you don't think they're going to work? I'm sorry, but are you kidding me? They may or may not work for you (everyone is different), but a week is not a fair trial.
do you have any tips to get better results?
Try all the methods in my articles, or check out the programs I mention for a more comprehensive approach. I haven't covered everything since it's not the only topic I cover.
how can you tell if different types of massages will not work if used together?
Try massaging with wild yam cream and/or fenugreek extract. Mine definantly improved shape and size without these, but it wouldn't hurt to try these extra steps. Oh, and love your breasts!
My fiance has been complaining that she thinks her boobs have gotten smaller (I still think they are wonderful). She has mentioned surgery, but I think I have talked her out of it. Thank god, I really don't like the look of most fake breasts I see. Anyways I will tell her about this. It's worth a shot and maybe I can be the one to do it for her. He He! :-)
In my opinion, natural breasts - of whatever size - are always more attractive than big, fake breasts. I'm not a guy though. Maybe size is all that men are interested in.
im trying man different things and its been about 19 days....is there any way to speed up the process?
Your breasts have been the way they are for years, but after nineteen days you're already losing patience?
You can read my other articles and try all the things I recommend, or check out my recommended programs for a more comprehensive approach. However, the body needs some time to change, and it will do so on its own schedule - not yours necessarily.
Thanks for posting this article. I would never have imagined that herbs and massage could increase my breast size, but they have. I started out at a 34A and ended up at a 34B.
My bra started feeling tighter after two weeks, but it took about 3 months and some loss and regrowth before the cup sizes stuck.
I would encourage women not to give up too soon and to do both herbs and massage. I started with just herbs and didn't add breast massage until after a month.
Congratulations for sticking with the program long enough to get the results you were hoping for. So many women don't seem to have enough patience and perseverance for natural breast enlargement. No wonder plastic surgeons are making a fortune putting women under the knife.
so this technique can still work on you even if you get no results inside 1 month?
A month is a best case scenario. For some women, it will take longer. Combining methods - herbs, massage- gives the best results.
please tell me i am 20 years old and flat can i use the same massage for my breast to grow without using any oil or extract will this work?
You don't have to use herbs, but they help.
ok i need some help!
i can barely fit into a 34A
ive been
using 3 mssaging techniques
using the lotion mixture
taking herbs
for over a month now and i have absolutely no results? should i just be using 1 massaging technique?
"should i just be using 1 massaging technique?"
Yes. I don't know what other techniques you're using, but massaging in the opposite direction that I describe, is used to reduces breast size.
when doing the circular rubs, should you be kneading in a circular motion or just make smooth circles?
"when doing the circular rubs, should you be kneading in a circular motion or just make smooth circles?"
Just make smooth circles.
Which way is the right way to massage? I looked at other guides for Female Deer Exercise and they say to "The hands travel together up the inside of the breasts toward the face, then outwards, downwards, inwards, and upwards again." Is this the right way?
"Which way is the right way to massage? I looked at other guides for Female Deer Exercise and they say to "The hands travel together up the inside of the breasts toward the face, then outwards, downwards, inwards, and upwards again." Is this the right way?"
No, that is the opposite of how I say to do it in my post.
If you want to reduce the size of your breasts, do the massage the way the "other guides" that you looked at say to do it. Otherwise, follow the direction that I gave.
From experience,I can tell you that this does work . I am a male that has been doing this for a year. I don't know if anyone else has tried this ,but I stopped doing it for 3 weeks just to see if I would lose any size. For me ,I didn't lose size,I just lost a little firmness . Men have the same breast tissue and structure as women but not as much which makes what ever a woman uses for breast growth will work for men.
Can you tell me how the breasts are supposed to FEEL if its working for us, besides the obvious LOOK of them?
"Can you tell me how the breasts are supposed to FEEL if its working for us, besides the obvious LOOK of them?"
There's no particular sensation that is associated with increasing size. Your breasts may feel warm, energized, tingly, etc., but those are the physical effects of the massage, not signs of them growing.
i know that you can grow a cup size in 30 days but when should you start noticing that they look larger?
i dont know if this is normal or not, but i just tried it for the first time, and reached an orgasm. i know it sounds really weird, but i did. is that okay?
"i dont know if this is normal or not, but i just tried it for the first time, and reached an orgasm. i know it sounds really weird, but i did. is that okay?"
I don't know why it wouldn't be okay. Just consider it a bonus.
"i know that you can grow a cup size in 30 days but when should you start noticing that they look larger?"
No sooner than two weeks.
i know that you said nothing works for everyone but has anyone ever told you that it didnt work for them?
"i know that you said nothing works for everyone but has anyone ever told you that it didnt work for them?"
Some have said they hadn't seen results after only a week or two, or after not following directions.
im currently taking perfect c breast enhancer capsules,do u think now im doing the massage aswell my breasts will grow bigger faster? im currently a 34a and i wanna get to a full c
"im currently taking perfect c breast enhancer capsules,do u think now im doing the massage aswell my breasts will grow bigger faster? im currently a 34a and i wanna get to a full c
Doing more usually leads to better, though not necessarily faster results. The body needs time to respond.
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