Monday, July 18, 2011

Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol with Spirulina

Spirulina can lower blood pressure and cholesterol with just one tablespoon daily, and it has more protein than red meat, says Joseph Mercola.
What if consuming a tablespoon or two per day of a simple food could drastically lower your chances of developing cancer, heart disease or stroke, or of contracting a life-threatening virus such as HIV?

Would your interest be piqued?

There is a unique freshwater plant that has been of enormous interest to nutritional scientists over the past decade, and it shows promise for doing all of the above – and then some. It's one of the most nutrient-packed dynamos of the superfood world.

This simple food is spirulina.

I recently posted a report about the radioprotective effects of spirulina. But its health benefits go far beyond that application. But what exactly is spirulina? You may be surprised! Read more

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