Friday, December 8, 2017

6 Benefits of Yoga for Sleep Deprivation

Yoga is not only good for strength and flexibility, but Lowenna Waters says that it also benefits sleep deprivation.
It's a well known fact that sleep disorders such as insomnia are endemic in our stress-filled, caffeine-driven contemporary lifestyles. In a recent study, it was shown that Britons are the world's most 'sleep deprived' people, with 37 per cent of the population reporting that they regularly don't get enough shut eye.

The health implications of sleep deprivation are equally shocking. It's been shown that when the brain is starved of sleep, its synapses begin to be 'eaten' by other cells in the brain. What's more, a lack of sleep can trigger the release of a chemical in the brain that leads to Alzheimers disease, and even that it's physically 'as bad as smoking'. Read more

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