Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baking Soda: Its Many Miraculous and Mundane Uses

Baking soda was one of the few products many years ago on the market for cleaning your teeth or settling an upset stomach. While we have many more choices today, baking soda still has many miraculous and mundane uses.
A simple inexpensive substance, one that is found on grocery shelves and in many homes, has been rediscovered over recent years as a useful remedy or remedy adjunct for a variety of ailments and chronic diseases. That substance is bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder. Baking powder contains aluminum, which is toxic.

During the early 20th Century, baking soda was prescribed for flus and colds and other common problems. It eventually faded into obscurity as a medicine until people like Doctors Mark Sircus and Tullio Simoncini began using it to cure cancer during the last few years! Read more

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