Friday, October 7, 2016

3 Natural Remedies for the Flu

Although the claim that 30,000 people die from the flu each year in the U.S. is a lie, flu is still a miserable experience. Have these three natural remedies on hand in case you do come down with a case.
In the September 16, 2016 Parade Magazine there was an article on “Boost your Flu IQ”. While the article had some good points such as reduce the amount of times you touch your face and to thoroughly dry your hands after washing, it was the number one thing they stated “You should do to prevent the flu” that as a nutrition professional I beg to differ with.

Dr. Grohskopf, a medical officer in the Influenza Division of the CDC said “getting the flu shot is the single best thing you can do to protect yourself against the flu and prevent its spread” She went on to say that if you do get the flu, your symptoms “could be” less severe Read more

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