Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Making Up for a Genetic Flaw With Vitamin C

Bill Sardi reveals how a genetic mutation cut short the human lifespan, and how we can make up for this genetic flaw with vitamin C supplementation.
Over a decade ago I wrote an article at entitled Can Humans Live Longer? The Missing Anti-Aging Hormone.

I explained the biological predicament of humans, that a gene mutation occurring long ago in human history shortened the human lifespan. Gulonolactone oxidase is among four liver enzymes most animals utilize to internally convert sugar to ascorbate (vitamin C). A mutation in the GULO gene for this enzyme also occurs in fruit bats, guinea pigs and primate monkeys and has forced these species along with humans to totally rely upon dietary sources of vitamin C to maintain health.

In the 1970s biochemist Irwin Stone explained that animals that make their own vitamin C live 8-10 times beyond their age of physical maturation. Mammals without this ability have a difficult time reaching 3-4 times. Today humans reach physical maturity around age 18 and live 70-90 years. If what is known from animals can be applied to humans, restoration of internal synthesis of vitamin C could theoretically produce humans that live hundreds of healthy years. Read more

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