Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Make an Herbal Remedy for Tourette's Syndrome

Tourette's syndrome is classified as an anxiety disorder characterized by tics - involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way. The more common tics are eye blinking, coughing, throat clearing, sniffing, and facial movements. The goal when treating Tourette's naturally is to heal the nervous system and bring the body back into balance.
Tourette's Syndrome is a neurological disorder that involves involuntary muscular tics, twitching, odd sounds, obscene language or even violent jerking of the body, in the person afflicted with the disease. While sufferers of Tourette's are often treated with pharmaceutical medications, there are a number of herbal remedies that can help diffuse its varying symptoms. Read on to learn how to make an herbal remedy for Tourette's. Read more


Glenn Asselin said...

Hi everyone that has problems with finding out what causes Touretts Syndrome,,,I found out in my sons case it was strepp throat,the doctors gave him penicillan,The penicillan pushed the infection into the brain causing tics to happen,1 yr. after streepp left the throat area,,,we tryed blue/green algae,and everything else in the world that you good be in volved with,,I got pretty scared seeing my son having these crazy tics,,so I finally got a hold of a chinese lady in saskatoon,,she tells me to try homeopathy and says Dr.Hoe will repair him,,,Well,she was right,within 4 hrs of on homeopathy ,I seen a huge differance,,the very first remedy was called aurum/made out of gold/which is a mineral,after that homeopathy took care of him and soon the strepp was pushed back to the throat area,then killed the strepp with strepptococcus,,done deal my son is cured,,he told us himself that he is good to go now,,,For all of you I highly recommend homeopthy,,remember and research like cures like...and good luck with homeopathy,,homeopathy is all over Eupope and India, please check out homeopathy for the whole family,it really works for all of my family

pamela rogrrs said...

Hi Glenn & Cat

My little girl is suffering from some sort if tic where she makes these noises every few seconds. It's been like this for weeks now and don't really want to go to the doctors. It's like a huff with a noise. It got bad when she watched tv and when I have stopped her watching it it subsided a bit. Now it's back again and am getting worried. She has only just turned 7 and is very sensitive and a bit nervous and anxious at times. Please Glenn and Cat can you let me know more about this arum made from gold. I tried to google and find out more about it but got a bit confused on how to do it.. How much etc for a young girl. Also are there any ready made homeopathic remedies on the Market I can use. Your advice would be appreciated. You can contact me on - thanks Pamela