Friday, May 31, 2019

34 Ways to Stay Healthy That Cost Next to Nothing

Bill s=Sardi shares thirty-four ways to stay healthy that cost next to nothing (and your doctor won't tell you about).
1. Sleep: Trying to get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep may be frustrating. Modern humans are going to sleep two hours later than the daylight-darkness cycle. Prior to electric lighting, people slept for about 6 hours, awoke for about two hours, and then went back for a second sleep. Blue light emitted from electronic devices, even smart phones, or computer monitors fouls up melatonin secretion, the sleep hormone. Be aware. Blue light filters are available for computer monitors and eyeglass lenses. However, no one is mentioning that blue light filtering in the AM is counter-productive and impairs the dissipation of melatonin and could theoretically induce daytime sleepiness. Best to get some direct sunlight early in the AM to awaken fully refreshed and alert. The focusing lens of the eyes loses about 1% of its transparency every year. By age 80 maybe 20% of ambient or artificial light reaches the retina and this alters the light/dark cycle and affects melatonin levels. Replacement of the cloudy natural lens with a clear plastic lens implant is recently reported to help restore the natural sleep-wake cycle. Read more

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